Vuototecnica UK – Goes from Strength to Strength

Giuliano Bosi
e Jonathan Plumb

Vuototecnica UK, starting in 2007, endured a difficult economic period but despite all it managed to overcome it thanks to the quality of its products and the orientation to problem solving. The UK operation is based in the centre of the UK in Northamptonshire providing excellent connections to all parts of the mainland and Ireland. Now in its 6th year of trading, Vuototecnica has accelerated growth by FULLY understand vacuum as a technology supported by the most comprehensive product range available. There is no limit to the applications of vacuum: from robotics to packaging, from food industry to scientific applications, from the assembly line to the pallet.

VuototecnicaUK_PlumbJonathan Plumb,
UK Divisional Manager with over 30 years Air and Vacuum industry experience explains:  “Vacuum is commonly referred to as a Smoke and Mirrors technology with many end users and supply companies not fully understanding the application or solutions to specific needs. Vuototecnica is unique in the market and does offer an unrivalled technical knowledge across a comprehensive range of products and applications. Solutions to vacuum problems or new applications require specific vacuum experience to fully understand and advise a cost effective and reliable outcome. Many users state they need more vacuum because of a perceived problem with flow and usually the manufacturers respond with a sale without really understanding how or why a problem exists… after all a sale is a sale. This is not the approach of Vuototecnica”, says Jonathan. The most important thing, for Vuototecnica, is to meet the needs of end customers to be truly useful and provide true cost savings and unparalleled efficiency. Jonathan Plumb states: “Our aim is simple: to provide the best solution for the application and to guarantee product performance. Customers can be confident that any products purchased provide a total solution to the need to which we, the manufacturer, standby”.

For more information about the work of Vuototecnica UK, visit


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