A conversation with Andrea Carluccio, Vuototecnica’s business development manager


Andrea Carluccio, 47 years old, has been working in the industrial automation industry for over 27 years. During those years he developed a dedication to his work, with training, professionalism and hands-on experience. He has held strategic and operations positions in local companies as well as Multinationals, developing know-how and responsibility in sales (and markeitng) and management (processes, people management and company development).

In this brief interview we get to know Andrea Carluccio, his objectives and his activities at Vuototecnica.

 Why Vuototecnica?

“I accepted challenge that the Bosi Family extended to me, with true enthusiasm and a lot of professional drive. I have always considered Vuototecnica to be a leader  in the industry, while at the same time is it a company that has areas that can be improved and developed upon, especially when it comes to the markets that the company competes in (via a network of  loyal sales partners), its market share, and strategic visibility. And lastly I would cite the product range, which is, today, quite all-encompassing and has a top standard of quality.”

Which are the issues and operations departments that you will focus on?

“Whatever I will tackle in the future will be in concert with the company’s vision: to be the leading company that markets products as well as complete and innovative solutions to the world, and distributes and diffuses knowledge about vacuum technology to the global industry. It looks like I will be quite busy!”

Can you give us some specifics about Vuototecnica’s strategic priorities?

“Initially, I will focus on sharing the new strategy we are adopting with the organization. It’s very important that the strong team spirit that we already have within our company be strengthened and consolidated. Then, we will set up a new distribution policy, based on the clear distinction of roles between Vuototecnica and our loyal distribution partners. We will also segment the markets and solutions along the lines of applications, and we will implement new and innovative sales solutions. Obviously, product development will always be at the forefront, in step with constant competitor benchmarking. And lastly, we will begin a much more focused “brand” strategy with the aim of harmonizing the visibility of our brand all over the world.”




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