Radiographic films without halos and without fear


X-rays play a very important role in hospitals: they show the portion of the body being examined in clear detail. X-rays are very similar to the film used in photography, consisting of plastic coated material with a thin layer of silver nitrate able to expose X-rays.

These supports are highly electrostatically charged, so in the development of X-rays, users must be very careful handling them to avoid contaminants that could affect the validity of the examination.

For this application, Vuototecnica has created special mixture suction cups that do not leave any traces on the X-rays, for X-ray film developing machines.  The mix of elliptical suction cups with vulcanised support by Vuototecnica does not carry electrostatic charges and is therefore ideal for this kind of work.

The original conformation of the suction cups allows users move and withdraw one X-ray at a time without leaving halos and without deforming the film.  The aluminium supports are vulcanised on the suction cups and have a side groove that prevents rotation.

The elliptical suction cups with vulcanised support by Vuototecnica are useful in any situation which requires safe handling of X-rays, laminates, sheets, pages and other kinds of products for which the separation of many thin superimposed layers is necessary.

All this without ever forgetting the Vuototecnica keywords: quality, versatility and customisation.

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