Merry Christmas and good ordinariness to everyone by Vuototecnica


Also this year the holidays come and put us to rest. This time, however, Christmas has a special flavor. The past few months were disastrous and exhausting for everyone, from the small distributor to the big company, passing through the suppliers and employees of every single reality.

As often happens in emergency situations, we rediscovered the value of ordinariness, after having avoided it so much. Only those who have been hit by real pain can love it. And normality at work is made up of daily gestures such as a handshake to an employee that we esteem, a smile exchanged in moments of intense work stress, able to bring back peace of mind. It is made of those moments when, side by side with a colleague, we doubt the effectiveness of a method to build a new one together.

We hope, therefore, that for all of us Christmas is first of all a return to this normality made of beautiful gestures, in the intimacy of our families, to return in the new year, after a last sacrifice for the safety of all, to shake hands and smile (no more masks).

Vuototecnica closes from 24th December to 6th January 2021. A dear wish of happy holidays, serenity and hope for the New Year. See you in January!


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