It happens that in order to make basic values such as knowledge, experience, problem solving and creativity measurable, there is a need to evaluate the growth of a business, company or industrial process in terms of numbers and quality.

The following have been aware of this: Peter Drucker, an Austrian economist and management theorist naturalized American, best known for his work on business management theories and practices in the direction of efficiency and productivity, but also Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, who have built large empires (Microsoft and Amazon above all), imposing their leadership constructively to contribute to the growth of their companies and the convenience of services.

When we talk about industrial efficiency, however, we cannot fail to refer to Henry Ford, American inventor, pioneer of the automobile industry, and developer of the assembly line that completely revolutionized the way of manufacturing in every industry.

Since Ford’s time, enormous steps forward have been made with lean production and later with ideas that partly discarded the concept of efficiency above all, in favor of a newfound dimension of quality and sustainability in business, without losing sight of profit.

Here, then, is where the dimension of growth today, yes, is configured as a metric for measuring the implementation of other values such as knowledge, experience, creativity and much more, but it itself becomes a milestone for not forgetting to aim for something further, which helps to evolve in different directions. A tool for comparison with the past, but also a building block to aim for on the road to the future.

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