Fast Vacuum Generator FVG8 and FVG12 : speed, carrying capacity and lightness, for large diameter suction cups


With very high frequency gripping and releasing applications, you no longer need a large diameter ejector to power one or more suction cups, even large diameter ones, all you need is a compact high performance ejector.

Vuototecnica decided to expand FVG ejector family with two brand new models: FVG8 and FVG12.

Following in the wake of the success of the “smaller brothers”, FVG3 and FVG5, the suction flow rate is increased without diminishing the strong points of the previous models.

FVG8 and FVG12 are single-stage vacuum generators based on the Venturi principle, equipped with pneumatic counter-blower (which can also be deactivated by simply acting on a membrane) to facilitate the release phase of the suction cup.

The lightness and speed of FVG3 and FVG5, necessary to meet the needs of spider robots and flexible pickers, remain also for these new models. The weight remains considerably reduced and the installation on board of the robots is very simple.

Considering the increased diameter and volumetry of the potential suction cups, in order to allow the maximum speed of restoration of atmospheric pressure in use, on these models, it is possible to implement the counter-blow capacity obtained inside the ejector body.
All this simply by connecting an additional external volume through the door, closed by an M7 threaded plug.

The optimum operating pressure is less than 4 bar, which saves energy.

Finally, the ejectors are equipped as standard with a high noise reduction SSX silencer for a better working environment.

To learn more, you can visit the new catalogue page dedicated to FVG8 and FVG12.



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