Loading and handling concrete tiles


Today we introduce you a new application of Vuototecnica suction cups and generators, for an automatic feeding machine.

In this video you can see Vuototecnica vacuum cups, with white cups (silicone), code 01 45 10, mounted on mini cup holders, code 20 45 30, in action in the handling of concrete tiles from one line to the other.
We notice stability and strength of the grip, obtained thanks to vacuum cups shape, but also thanks to PVP 60 MDX multi-stage vacuum generator, which is mounted directly on the automation, to serve all cups.

The pneumatic vacuum generator (blue in the video) provides a suction flow of 92 mc / h and a maximum vacuum value of -90Kpa (-900mbar) with very small footprints.

The vacuum gauge and the pressure gauge are supplied on all generators, as standard, as well as the silencer – which is placed on the drain of the aspirated air – and the quick connection for compressed air supply, so that the work environment is silent and the connections simplier.

he mini cup holders you can see in the video are very small.

They have a spring that absorbs the impact of the suction cup, on the uneven surface of the tile; thus preserving the integrity of the gripping lip and prolonging its life time.

To find out more, download the catalogue at www.vuototecnica.co.uk


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